Our Programs

WE build lives. EMPOWER. help businesses

Program Services


Vocational Training: This program focuses on teaching individuals work skills and appropriate interaction in the workplace.   Supported Employment: Supported employment means working for pay in an integrated, community setting. Participants work with a job coach to attain and maintain jobs. We provide support and training; the people we serve provide the hard work and dependability. 


WE GO is our hub-based community integration program for our current participants and to those new to WE. WE GO provides meaningful community outings and demonstrates WE’s commitment to offering increased opportunities and options for the people we serve. We recognize that despite most people with disabilities live in the community; they are often not truly engaged in their community. Our goal is to break down barriers to social inclusion and build community relationships through self-determination and personal growth. Our small staffing ratio provides just the right mix of self-determination and teamwork.


"An Arts Education Opportunity,” offers art residencies. The goals of the residences are to foster creativity, artistic expression and self confidence in adults with disabilities. Participants engage in hands-on, interactive arts programming led by professional teaching artists who have experience working with individuals of varying ability levels. WE’s residencies focus on visual art, music, and dance. WE Create offers participants increased knowledge of artistic discipline and successful application of skills; increased motivation, engagement, sense of pride; and improved interpersonal communication and socialization skills.

WE love and support everyone.

We embrace Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

It is the practice of Wake Enterprises to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; 49 CFR, Part 21; related statutes and regulations that ensure no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability, be excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination.